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MyWheels appoints Laurens van de Vijver as new CEO

Car-sharing provider MyWheels has appointed Laurens van de Vijver as its new CEO. With the appointment of Van de Vijver, MyWheels is at the beginning of a new chapter, in which it will focus on car...

GreenMobility trusts users and employees to car-sharing market leader MyWheels

Amsterdam, January 19, 2023 – Dutch customers of car-sharing provider GreenMobility are entrusted to car-sharing provider MyWheels. A portion of the employees is also making the switch. From the fi...

MyWheels and We Drive Solar join forces. Utrecht is to be the Worlds First City to Use Shared Cars as Large-Scale Nei...

Utrecht is taking the next step in the transition to renewable energy as a result of the partnership between We Drive Solar and MyWheels.

Car-sharing companies Amber and MyWheels take on the future together. Shared mobility is now easier and more accepted.

MyWheels and Amber are joining forces and are set to shape the business and private market of shared mobility in the coming years. Their aim is to radically reduce the impact of mobility on climate...

Lightyear and MyWheels enter into car-sharing partnership

The partnership will allow car-sharing customers to drive the first long-range solar cars as early as 2023.

MyWheels market leader in Dutch car sharing market

MyWheels is the new market leader in the Dutch car sharing market.

The Sharing Group acquires majority stake in shared mobility provider for businesses Drop Mobility

The Sharing Group, parent company of sharing initiatives MyWheels, Mijndomein and Hegg Energy, has expanded its stake in shared mobility provider Drop Mobility to a majority share.

The Sharing Group invests in home sustainability start-up HomeZero

The Sharing Group proudly announces its latest investment in HomeZero. This investment enables the Haarlem-based start-up to further develop their white-label marketplace model for home sustainabil...

The Sharing Group invests in Austrian e-carsharing company ELOOP

The Sharing Group has joined an investment round of the Austrian e-carsharing company ELOOP. With The Sharing Group as lead investor, millions of euros have already been raised.

The Sharing Group announces partnership with start-up Greencast

The Sharing Group (TSG) announces partnership with Greencast. Greencast is a start-up that enables companies to measure their CO2 footprint at relatively low costs and hassle free. An important ste...

Mijndomein Groep continues as The Sharing Group

Mijndomein Groep continues as The Sharing Group. The Sharing Group consists of a group of colleagues, brands, members and investors with a shared interest: making more impact on society with less i...

Newcomer Hegg Energy builds the energy system of the future together with its users

Greening the energy grid starts with a smart home battery and a dynamic energy contract.

News topics



Online ambities van ondernemende mensen waarmaken. Daar gaan we voor. Zelf simpel je domeinnaam registreren, een website of webshop online. Voor de vertrouwde scherpe prijs en goede kwaliteit die w...



Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat je maar 1 miljoen auto’s nodig hebt om Nederland mobiel te houden. Wij dragen daaraan bij door meer en meer deelauto’s aan te bieden. Want als we meer auto’s delen, hoe...



Wij geven jou toegang tot de energiemarkt om nieuwe producten en diensten te ontwikkelen die zowel duurzaam als winstgevend zijn. Dat noemen we Energy-as-a-Service.


The Sharing Group

We're a group of brands that are independent together. We make an impact by showing the power of sharing.



Hegg, dat staat voor Home Energy for a Greener Grid, wil zoveel mogelijk energiegebruikers die eigen stroom opwekken mobiliseren om samen het energiesysteem van de toekomst te bouwen. Met veel meer...

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